Monday, May 23, 2011

24 weeks

The past week has marked some obvious changes. For one, I now LOOK obviously pregnant (pics coming this week). To the point where I was chased down by a new dad in Walmart asking how far along I am. It's starting to get uncomfortable to sleep, but once i find a good position I'm out :) My hips hurt, I can't eat big meals because my uterus is pushing on my stomach, I get short of breath really quickly and my legs/feet are starting to swell. I'm also CONSTANTLY hungry.

However, even with all of that, I'm still feeling better than I did throughout my first tri :) I suppose I just feel pregnant.

Todd and I are heading to Disney on Friday with his family for a week! I can't wait, but I'm a little bit nervous about the heat, and all the walking and slowing people down.

No new vegetable this week, baby is still a papaya. But here's what the bump says about the development:

Baby's now the size of a papaya!
Baby's skin is becoming more opaque as the fat starts to pack on. And, thanks to the formation of small capillaries, her newly thick skin is taking on a fresh pink glow.


  1. This may seem weird, but I found your blog on Google today and read through all your posts. It is CREEPY how alike you and I are in personality, and in pregnancy stories. I had a miscarriage on Jan 26th at 10w5d, and I'm now pregnant again. We just went in for our first appt at 11w and the baby measured at 55mm (putting us at 12w? too). I loved when you talked about feeling guilty for not being happy about being sick, I felt that exact same thing. I tried to explain it to my husband and I don't know if he understood it. I cried when I read your story (partially bc I'm very hormonal today - I was crying watching Julie & Julia earlier) because I know exactly what you mean when you describe it all. I've been terrified this time around until our scan where our doctor told us that an observed heartbeat at 11w means a 1-2% miscarriage rate. So now I feel like I can actually get excited about it all. I also bonded with you on the horses topic. I've loved horses all my life, and have been riding since I was 6. I'm too scared to ride this time, so I'm limiting myself to grooming and lots of hugs. Even the ways you describe your personality, like your researching and hashing over decisions, are so similar to mine. It's been wonderful (and a bit creepy) to find this blog. Maybe I can pull some strength from you for my "second time around" since you're already so far ahead of me :) My due date is Dec 28th. I guess I hope I can make a friend out of this who understands what I've been through (in lots and lots of ways).

  2. Hi Nettie, I'm so happy you found my little blog!

    Firstly, congrats on the pregnancy! The best advice I can give you is to remember that this is a whole new pregnancy, so as hard as it is try not to make yourself crazy comparing it to the last one. There are so many of us who manage to have healthy pregnancies after miscarrying. I can't even count the number of people who have approached me with similar stories who now have happy healthy children. So keep your chin up, take things one day at a time, and it WILL get easier.

    I'm so glad to hear you had a healthy first scan! Each of those milestones will give you confidence, and before you know it all you'll be stressing about is the fact that you are going to be in charge of caring for a little person ;)

    I actually haven't gotten around to riding... I might do some easy walking at some point this summer on my steadfast oldie, we'll see. I was waiting for confirmation that my placenta had moved up, and when I got it we had an abnormal amount of rain making it too slick to ride... now that things have dried up, I think my belly might end up resting on the saddle horn, and I'm not quite brave enough to go out bareback in this state ;) So I too have been limited to grooming and hugs. All three of my boys are being very gentle with me, and I'm pretty sure my 5 year old stud knows what's up... he is obsessed with resting his muzzle on my belly whenever I'll let him, and he's been EXTRA well behaved :)

    I hope you continue to check in from time to time, and please don't hesitate to pick my brain if you have any questions or concerns, or if you feel you just need to vent to someone who gets it.
