Monday, March 14, 2011

14 weeks, and Spring :)

I always love the changing of the seasons. For several weeks now, our doves have been busy building their nests in preparation for their soon to be expanding families. We are lucky enough to have a family of doves who come back to roost right next to our bedroom window every year. From March until October, I get to hear them sing every morning. I never get sick of it.

The temps are high enough to be melting the snow, and grass is starting to peak through. Daylight savings time this weekend has pretty much turned me into a Zombie in the mornings, but the fact that we have sunlight till 7:00 in the evenings makes up for that. The horses don't need as much hay to keep warm anymore, and they've started shedding their winter coats in big clumps. In a few more weeks I'll be able to go out there and help them brush them off, trading in their soft fluffy winter jackets for sleek shiny summer coats.

At the same time as spring is rolling in, I'm noticing some exciting changes in myself. For one, I am feeling much better. I don't need to take my Diclectin on a daily basis anymore, and even though I'm still throwing up from time to time, I am not constantly nauseous which is allowing me to get back to being myself. The fatigue is sill there, but not being worsened by the Diclectin either, so that's a bonus.

My tummy is definitely changing as well. It may not be 100% obvious to other people yet, but it is very obvious to me. And even though they say it's too early, I'm almost positive I felt some movement while I was laying down yesterday. It was very exciting!

Todd's mom and Auntie Debbie went baby-stuff shopping on Saturday :) They called us from Sears, very excited, and Todd got off the phone giddy. It fun to see people's attitudes and stresses about this pregnancy start to melt away, and it's great that everyone, including myself are able to be excited about it.

Our next OB appointment is on the 28th, and I'm really looking forward to it.

So, according to

Baby's now the size of a lemon!

Your adorable little fetus is busy with thumb sucking, toe wiggling, (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine, and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys, and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over her body for warmth.

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