Friday, March 18, 2011


After the previous serious post, I figured I should talk about something a little lighter :)

Todd, myself, Todd's mom and Auntie Debbie will be heading over to Messena this weekend to do some shopping. Now, I don't know that we'll necessarily buy anything yet, but I'm still eager to start looking and making lists of what we like and what we'll need. Auntie Debbie very generously bought us a pack and play last week which was one of my "must have" items. Todd thinks it's the one below or similar to it, but we haven't seen it yet :) We'll need to figure out what kind of stroller we want, what kind of car seat we'd like, and a million and one other things I'm sure I haven't even thought of.

It's supposed to be a warm sunny weekend, and I'm looking forward to it!

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