Sunday, March 27, 2011

16 weeks!

So, the second trimester is really shaping up to be much better than the first. While I'm still tired in the afternoons, it's not nearly as bad, and the nausea is getting better by the day.

The food cravings have gotten more intense. Right now it's Skittles and Mini-Wheats (not together!) I have Mini Wheats several times a day.

We have our Second OB appointment on Wednesday, and we'll hopefully be finding out when the sexing ultrasound will be! I'm very very eager to know if we're having a son or a daughter :)

So according to

Baby's now the size of an avocado!
Watch what you say...tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean she can now pick up your voice. A few more minuscule changes: Eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming.

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