Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Breathing a little easier!

Yesterday we had our first OB appointment. Todd and I were surprisingly calm about the whole thing.

We got there a couple of minutes early. I peed in a cup, got weighed, had my blood pressure taken, sat in a private room and answered a bunch of questions, was given an armload of free baby things (Yay for corporate sponsors?) and sat back down. When the doc called us in and he told me to hop up on the ultrasound table, my heart started beating really fast. It was the moment of truth.

It took him some time to find the heartbeat. When he first started looking, he said "Well, there is definitely a pregnancy..." followed by lots of silence. I started to get nervous. "Are you sure you didn't have ANY bleeding?" he asked. I started to shake. "Positive" I managed to spit out. More silence. I was [ ] that close to having a full blown panic attack. "OK, there's the heartbeat!" he said. The tech must have been holding her breath, or sensed my panic, because I'm pretty sure she "squee!"ed out loud. I looked at the screen, and didn't see anything discernible, so I asked him to point it out to me. And sure enough, like a little blip on the radar, was our baby's little beating heart.

I was immediately overcome with a mix of relief (for myself and Todd) and love for the little person on the screen, and I started crying. The doctor showed us where the head was, and where the legs were, and told us that baby was measuring 11 weeks and a day, almost a week ahead of schedule.

So, with all that said and done, everything looks good! Apparently my placenta looks like it's attached a bit low, hence why he was asking about the bleeding. Bad timing doc, bad timing. My research tells me that tis is fairly common in early pregnancy (20-30% of pregnancies) and that 99% of the time the placenta migrates into a better location by week 20, and out of the remaining 1% only one in four will have a placenta that covers the cervix and causes complications with labour. (Thanks google!) Anyhow, I'm to take it easy for a few weeks (till 14 weeks) but other than that, so far so good!

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