Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

This weekend seemed to be just what I needed to get out of my funk :)

Mom came up, and we went shopping. Kevin came up, and Chris and Esther came, Esther made us an awesome Chinese New Year supper, and of course my two nephews never fail to put a smile on my face. Baby Thomas is three months old, and just a smiley, giggly little monkey. He also recently learned to roll over, which is so funny that Todd even video taped it. Leave it to a baby to make rolling-over cute :)

Mom bought me what I suppose I can consider my first maternity shirt. It's not a maternity shirt per say, but it will be comfy when I have a belly, and perfect for Disney at the end of May. We also browsed (but didn't buy!) the baby clothes section at Winners. All I can say is if we have a girl, I'm in trouble. SOOOOO much adorable stuff. So much. If it's a girl, I'm totally screwed :P

Last night I was really nauseous even with the Diclectin. I'm only taking one a day, even though I'm technically allowed up to four... As the hormones increase I may have to end up increasing my dosage as well. I suppose I am a wuss... back in the day, before Diclectin, women had to suffer through this nonsense. I'm not sure if I'd have it in me. The three weeks of constant sickness drained me so much, I can't imagine going through it for nine months!

Our OB appointment is just over a week away. It's going to be long week... I am simultaneously beyond excited at seeing our little one and getting confirmation that everything is OK, and petrified of the small chance that it might not be.


"Today I am pregnant, and I love my baby"

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