Friday, February 11, 2011


So I've decided to start a blog, because every expectant mother book/website I read encourages one to track ones pregnancy in a journal. The idea being that it will be fun to read back on all the ups and down of pregnancy one day.

At first, I completely rejected this idea. I figured it would be a bit of a downer. Not because I'm not happy about being pregnant. I am ecstatic about being pregnant! But rather because my view of pregnancy after having suffered a miscarriage just a few months ago isn't all about being excited about the fetus development and arguing about names. Instead, despite my best efforts, it's about stressing over upcoming dates, trying not to compare this one to the last, and wondering if my boobs are as sore as they were the day before and what it might mean if they are not.

I decided I need a place to get it all out. And that perhaps other mom's-to-be who are giving it a second go while still recovering from a loss might enjoy relating to someone who understands that the biggest concern is not what color to paint the nursery, or which brand of maternity jeans to buy.

I invite you all to join me on my ups and downs, if you're up for the ride!

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