Thursday, February 24, 2011

The shift.

This week has been a big one for me. Several things have happened, and all of them good.

Firstly, as of today, I am officially more pregnant than I ever have been! We passed the dreaded date of 10 weeks 4 days, and everything is still looking good. Now, I'm not naive enough to think that I'm out of the woods just yet. Plus there's that whole low-laying placenta thing... But never the less, I'm feeling good about this.

Obviously seeing baby's heartbeat was a big big deal. It kinda drove home the fact that there is a little living growing person inside me. I have another Ultrasound today at the hospital, for an official dating, and I'm really looking forward to seeing baby again.

Also, I'm officially in maternity jeans! OK, maybe I don't really NEED them yet, but dammit, they're comfy. So there.

Lastly, my nausea seems to be subsiding. This is big. It's really hard to completely comprehend how draining it is to be nauseous and throwing up all the time. Even though the Diclectin GREATLY improved things for me, I still didn't really feel "well". It's hard to be really excited about being pregnant when all you can think about is not losing your last meal.

All of these things this week have started a shift for me. A shift from worry to excitement. From fear to love. I'm feeling less like the girl who had a miscarriage, and more like the girl who is pregnant. And that's a really nice feeling.

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